Friday, 21 September 2012

Uniqurate: new release... the last big push of development

Today's release of Uniqurate represents what will most likely be the last big push of software development - at least development that will take place under the auspices of the Uniqurate project itself. Doubtlessly there will be bug fixes still to come, plus some little bits to come in QTI-PET down the line, and I'm sure there will be more development in the future on other projects and by others in the community. However with the start of the teaching semester next week and development officially ending in November, it's the end of the big stuff for now.

Without further ado, here's what's new:

  • Multiple choice component:
    • No feedback is now a valid scenario. A response will turn green if both feedback and distractor (answer) text has been filled in, orange if the distractor only is filled in (but which is now valid), and red when nothing's been filled in.
    • There is now an option to copy feedbacks. This means that if you don't want to have individual feedbacks for all your "wrong" answers, you can fill in one of them and use the Quick Feedback button.
    • There is a checkbox that will present a multiple choice component as a pull down list when delivered to the student. This might be useful for questions with lots of distractors!
  • Tests
    • You can now click on the edit icon next to a question edit that question in situ within the test.
  • General
    • There are now options to copy a component, and to move/drag a component into a different position within the question. Dragging is also generally improved (e.g. it will scroll properly if you drag a component towards the button or top of the browser window)
    • The much requested option to put feedback immediately after the component (rather than at the end of the question) is now in place. The slider at the top of the component pane toggles between Feedback shown with components and Feedback shown at end of question. The first option means that feedback will appear immediately underneath the component to which it applies. The second option will display all feedback at the bottom of the question.
    • Far too many bug fixes to list - but includes workaround for the Firefox issue where scroll bars weren't appearing on the QTIWorks preview.
    • Probably many interesting and exciting new bugs introduced :-)
It has to be said that the recent demo/workshops have been invaluable in providing me with a distillation of end-users' needs and issues. A special shout out to those who participated in the QTI-PET session in Oxford - much of what's gone into today's release came out of that session. Bug tracking and fixing in particular, while not a glamourous activity, absolutely depends on end users using the software and feeding back to the developer(s). Being physically there and part of the demo session gave that process an immediacy and dynamism that is lacking when reduced to emails bouncing back and forth.

So, with the bulk of software development done, and if you'll indulge me, I just want to take a brief moment to reflect on Uniqurate. 

Back at the end of last year, I had a very different vision for this application. The original intention was to create a loosely coupled set of mini-editors - i.e. one for a multiple choice, one for a a text entry, and so on. I also bandied about the term "de-maths-ing QTI". The intent there was that any questions likely to involve anything vaguely arithmetic would be generalised, the edges hammered off, and used as a baseline to create yet another mini-editor. We spoke about identifying questions with cross-disciplinary utility, so as to avoid those proverbial edges being too sharp and thus not needing that much hammering in the first place!

The real quantum leap for Uniqurate came just after Christmas. A discussion with Sue M early in the development of what came to be known as "friendly mode" saw the mini-editors become "components". The crucial difference was the concept of having multiple components per question. 

Laying the foundations to support this took some time, and was frustrating from my perspective - early releases of UQ looked nice but didn't do very much!  However, contrast what we now have with the original vision. You can create a question in UQ that tests the student's knowledge of a subject by having them engage in a variety of ways. The custom maths component which offers the potential for some very rich feedback scenarios.

The change of approach meant that we took a bit of time to get rolling but in the end, I think we have a much better application for it. 

I am really pleased with Uniqurate, even if I do say so myself. Certainly it goes light-years beyond what I envisaged at the start of the project. The short version of the Uniqurate project proposal was that Aqurate was too simple and Mathqurate too complex; our challenge was to create something in between. I think we've succeeded in that aim, but along the way something unexpected has happened: Uniqurate is in some respects more complex than Mathqurate, at least in terms of the content that one can produce. I think that's a good, no, a great thing. It means that those new to QTI can dive in and create some "clever" content without ever seeing a scrap of XML. In the long run, it can only help to encourage the adoption of QTI outside of the existing community.

Friday, 14 September 2012


Quite early on in the QTIDI project I decided to write a demonstration application that would allow us to test LTI concepts along with a quiz system. The result was LTIQuizzes, a very simple quiz application that allows entry-level QTI 2.1 quizzes to be played through an LTI connection from a VLE. The I should really have blogged about this ages ago, however summer is a very busy time for me with conferences and software upgrades and feature development for the new academic year.

LTIQuizzes consists of an LTI connector (which is intended to be reusable software that can be linked to other systems), my original QTI 2.0 item player, APIS, and a new very basic QTI 2.1 assessment player which will eventually become part of my desktop Common Cartridge viewer, CCplayr. LTIQuizzes served a useful purpose for the QTIDI project, because it allowed us to demonstrate how QTI assessments can be linked into VLEs using LTI before our proper QTI delivery system, QTIWorks, was LTI enabled.

From the teacher's viewpoint LTIQuizzes is very straightforward to use. The teacher creates a new resource in the VLE, and clicks on the resource link which takes them into LTIQuizzes. As they are a teacher in the VLE course they are given the LTI "instructor" role, and so are shown the teacher screen in LTIQuizzes. This allows them to upload a packaged QTI question or test which will be displayed to any students that click on the VLE link into LTIQuizzes. Provided all the questions the quiz are automatically marked (i.e. there are no essay or extended test questions) LTIQuizzes will return a score to the VLE if it supports LTI version 1.1 when the student completes the assessment.

LTIQuizzes is intentionally extremely simple, and there is no way to create an activity without using an LTI link. David has taken a slightly different approach with the LTI connection in QTIWorks, where teachers set up the quiz after logging into QTIWorks directly, and then get the LTI information to configure an activity in Moodle, Blackboard or any other suitable VLE. This approach works very well with the LTI implementations that are now distributed as part of Blackboard 9 and Moodle 2.3, but is awkward with the Moodle 1.9 LTI plug-in, which assumes that administrators rather than teachers will put in most of the LTI information. When I was writing LTIQuizzes s the only LTI enabled VLE that I had access to was Moodle 1.9 with the LTI plug-in wa, so naturally I used an approach which fitted very closely with the approach taken by the developers of that version of Moodle plug-in.

Now the QTIWorks is fully LTI enabled, LTIQuizzes is much less important for our project, however I do intend to do some further work on it as it is sometimes useful to have a very simple system available for experimenting with. I will be doing some refactoring of to the APIS item player over the next few months to make it use generics properly (it's very old), and will probably use it for any experiments I do for ideas that might go into an eventual QTI 2.2. I will also be integrating the item and test player parts of LTIQuizzes into QTIPlayr so that it supports a variant of common cartridge that uses QTI 2.1 entry level assessments. The LTI interface is part of an ongoing project to provide simple lightweight LTI code in Java, C# and PHP that tool providers can use to quickly add LTI support to their software.

Monday, 10 September 2012

QTI-PET Workshops and Demos

Over the last few weeks we have held training workshops for the QTI-PET partners. Two have been face to face and one, mostly for the JISC RSCs, online. We've also had a couple of opportunities to demo the tools and let folks try them out. One of the great lessons learnt in the process is just how difficult it is to get University folk together during the summer! We had 3 attempts at finding a good date for the South workshop, and ended up with a compromise which meant some people could attend but others have the link to the recording of the RSC session, which is at

So, in chronological order we had:

University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Seminar

Niall presented the projects and their work at the Learning and Teaching Centre Seminar on 14th August. Although the delegates are close colleagues, this was the first time that they had seen these tools demonstrated, and there was some interesting discussion about possible ways of using them.

QTI-PET Workshop North

Held in the Jura computer lab in the University of Glasgow Library on 17th August.

We had 4 partners attending and Sue and Niall presented and helped with the hands-on sessions.

David Reimer from Edinburgh was using Uniqurate's Friendly Mode for language questions - in ancient Hebrew. Lesley Hamilton from the University of the West of Scotland was assembling multi-part questions for medicine and nursing in Friendly Mode. Shazia Ahmed from Maths Support at the University of Glasgow was adding to her collection of questions using Intermediate Mode. Sue demonstrated making small changes in Expert Mode to customise a question already authored in Friendly Mode.

We demonstrated the QTI Works and JAssess renderers and showed a question running in QTI Works within Moodle for the first time. We also had a look at the LTIQuizzes tool running a simple test in Moodle.

Several suggestions for new Uniqurate Components were suggested, including a medicine component which would enable people to author questions which would allow nurses and other health professionals to practise drug calculations dosages. Participants would like to be able to use randomised graphics, including graphs and diagrams, but these features will need further development in both authoring and rendering.

There was a general feeling that the feedback should appear close to the input to which it refers. Making this change will reduce the time available for new components, so we have to decide which components are most essential.

There was some concern about terminology, since, although the attendees were all comfortable with technology, many of their colleagues are not used to using technology directly in teaching. People made these same comments at all three of the partners' workshops, and at the South Workshop, Roger Greenhalgh from Harper Adams University College voluteered to go through the terminology and find the problem areas. We are collecting instances of words and phrases that need to be changed - we try to avoid using QTI terms, but some other words are too obscure for new users, so we are looking for translations, and these edits will be made as soon as possible.

With QTI Works now linked from Uniqurate to show the question running from within the editor, it is now much easier to check that the question does what you expect. This works well in Chrome and Internet Explorer; however, some browsers, particularly Firefox, seem to have difficulty in displaying QTI Works.

The technology behaved well and the participants felt they had had a useful day and that they would use Uniqurate when back in their institutions. We asked them to let us know how they are getting on and to contact us with any difficulties.

QTI-PET Familiarisation Workshop for JISC RSCs

This session was held on 24th August and hosted by RSC Scotland; Sue did the presentation and Grainne Hamilton facilitated the session and collated the questions from attendees. The presentation and the question and answer session generally went well, although there were a few very brief fades in the audio and one would-be participant was unable to connect to the room. The authoring and delivery tools were well-behaved again and some participants were able to try out the tools during the demo.

There was a request for a pairing component, which would construct questions in which, for example, scientists are matched with their theories, or diseases with their symptoms. This is a QTI input type, which can be included in Uniqurate if time allows.

This session was recorded and the URL for the recording is This has been circulated to people who would have liked to go to a workshop but were unable to attend on the dates chosen.

eAssessment Scotland Online Demo

On 28th August we gave an online demonstration to the eAssessment Scotland Online Conference. There were participants from Australia and Asia as well as several from Europe and the UK, and indeed some in the University of Glasgow.

Sue presented and Niall collated questions from the chat stream and answered the more technical ones. We had a 45 minute time slot, which was just long enough to demonstrate all the tools and answer delegates' questions in reasonable detail.

We also had a poster displayed at the eAssessment Scotland Conference on 31st October in Dundee.

QTI-PET Workshop South

This workshop was held in Oxford on 7th September in the University of Oxford Medical Sciences Teaching Centre. We had a seminar room with wifi access, and delegates brought their laptops, so that they had the questions they had created on their hard drive. It was attended by partners from the University of Derby, the University of Oxford, Reaseheath College and Harper Adams University College.

Sue presented and, since Paul Neve was also there, attendees were able to feed back to him directly and in more detail about the Uniqurate design. Participants used the image facilities in the static text component to add pictures to multi part questions using the other components.

We were also able to try the new test construction facilities in Uniqurate, which worked well, with the questions we created during the earlier part of the session being assembled into tests later on.

Sue has been constructing a Moodle course for her class at the University of Glasgow, and we were able to see how the questions will look when used for formative assessment, and to go through the process of adding another question to the course. A copy of Sue's course will be used in future demonstrations to show how the setup process works, and a mock-up course is also available where users can try inserting questions for themselves.

Next Demo

This week we have a workshop at 12:00 on Wednesday 12th September at the ALT-C Conference in Manchester.