This is the Blog for the QTI-IPS project, funded by JISC, which began on 14th March and will continue until mid-September 2011.
To enable QTIv2.1 to become a final specification, at least two profiles must be specified, implemented and documented.
Interoperability with the first, simple CC QTIv2.1 profile has been publicly demonstrated with twelve different tools during the IMS quarterly held in Koblenz, Germany, August 2010, and it is intended for inclusion in a future version of Common Cartridge. Four of the QTIv2.1 renderers were initially JISC-sponsored projects.
The task of specifying, implementing and demonstrating the “Main Profile”, which covers the functionality that is used by as wide a set of stakeholders as possible, remains. This project will create and document a demonstration set of items and tests and existing rendering and authoring tools will be deployed to provide demonstration and code-testing facilities for the profile.
The project will also facilitate the involvement of other communities in QTI development, implementation and use, by ensuring that expert advice and practical help is at hand for those wishing to convert an existing question and test bank or author a new collection. In addition, it will ensure that a rich and representative set of example questions is available with the specification.
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